a tragic german comedy
Tiefergelegte Hochkultur in Serie
mit Martin Maria Eschenbach, Markus Hammer, Jasper Barwasser, Lena Heiss, Fatima Dramé, Berivan Kaya, Donald Ganslmeier, Britta Hübel, Ariel Dramé
Positive Sinking ist eine völlig unabhängig, also ohne Filmförderung und Senderbeteiligung gedrehte Serie. Positive Sinking gewann den Festival Award 2015 auf dem Web Fest Berlin und Web Mag Award für den besten Schauspieler/ Komödie in Paris und war in der offiziellen Auswahl des Richmond Filmfestivals, der Séries Mania Paris, dem Roma Web Fest, Miami Web Fest, dem Rio Web Fest und dem Web Fest Bilbao.
Buch: Thomas Heinemann unter Mitwirkung von Martin Maria Eschenbach, Kamera: Tobias Jall 2. Kamera: Michael Schreiber, Katharina Miebach, Ton: Björn Rothe, Ausstattung: Thomas Heinemann, Musik & Mischung: Frankie Chinasky, Bildbearbeitung: Brennpunkt Film, Schnitt: Klaus Schäfer, Nathalie Pürzer, Laura Richter, Choreographie: Tina Fieltsch, Produktionsleitung: Özlem Günay, Regie: Thomas Heinemann
Angelo is a charming loser prone to fail at all his wacky business ideas. Yet he has a talent to stay positive. Considering himself as very cosmopolitan he loves using certain english words even though he cannot pronounce the „th“ correctly.
Angelo lives at his friend Oshi’s place. Oshi, a former rock musician recently decided to give up music as the first stepping stone on his spiritual path to enlightenment.“The world needs more silence“ is his life dominating mantra.
Angelos newest busines venture is a 27 feet long stretch limousine. He is obsessed with the idea of running a successful VIP shuttle service. One evening Silke, a long time ago affair confronts Angelo with his 14 year old son Johnny he did not even know about. Realizing that Johnny is suffering from a rare disease Angelo has to face up to his biggest challenge ever.
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